The KITE Program is a non-profit, U.S. based organization whose purpose is to gather and distribute funds to students and schools in need in rural Pakistan. The KITE Program’s principal mandate is to increase the standard of facilities and education at all levels, especially the primary and secondary school levels. KITE Program works primarily in Pakistan, but with continued growth and expansion we plan on extending our cause to other underserved areas of South Asia.
KITE Program believes that by collecting private donations from individuals, businesses and other foundations we will be able to provide and create a better learning environment for the underserved.
Our goal is to create and/or fund programs that will have a lasting effect on students in underserved areas of Pakistan. We ensure that the grants and funds that we distribute are aligned with the priorities of the schools as well as the students by working closely with school administrators as well as teachers.
At KITE Program we believe that a good quality education helps children achieve their full potential in all aspects of life.
To provide students in underserved areas of South Asia with quality education and facilities, by distributing funds collected by individuals, businesses and other organizations.